Millions of people enjoy taking advantage of the phrase that says one mans junk is another man’s treasure. With that said, not everything purchased via auto and parts auctions are junk, per se, but they can certainly become another man’s treasure. Insurance Auto Auctions is one of the leading North American salvage auto auctions, boasting a strong buyer base and high auction returns. Vehicles at buyer and seller auctions include total loss, recovered, fleet lease and dealer trade in. Insurance Auto Auctions also features collision damaged rental vehicles.
Using a hybrid auction model which includes live, Internet and proxy bidding methods, Insurance Auto Auctions can produce high returns for each sale. With more than 25 years on the business, IAA has one of the most comprehensive auto auction businesses. Another way people can get their hands on formerly owned goods is through the General Services Administration, which manages excess and surplus Federal assets. GSA Auctions, located at www.gasauctions.gov, completes the transformation of the Federal disposal process through a centralized electronic clearinghouse for reporting and transferring excess/surplus personal property within the Federal community and among eligible donees.
Just as Insurance Auto Auctions does, GSA auctions offer the general public the opportunity to bid electronically on a wide array of Federal assets. The auctions are completely web enabled, allowing all registered participants to bid on a single item or multiple items within specified time frames. Items ranging from personal or business items such as office equipment and furniture, to select products such as scientific equipment, heavy machinery, airplanes, vessels and vehicles are available to interested buyers, regardless of location. Those who visit GSA Auctions can browse items or search for items and bid. Registration is required.
Using OpenLane, at Openlane.com is another way to make wholesale vehicle transactions. OpenLane has leveraged the powers of the Internet to bring together buyers and sellers who may conduct business from anywhere in the world, any day of the week, any hour of the day. OpenLane thrives on remarketing to help buyers and sellers utilize the wholesale business.
Openlane.com buys and sells vehicles. The manheim.com website offers an atmosphere where you can browse inventory while finding out more about participating in online and local insurance auto auctions so that you do not miss out on any great deals. Manheim.com offers a daily sales center where you can browse inventory and check out all the exciting vehicles that are up for grabs.
Check out manheim.com for more information on insurance auto auctions and how to get great prices or vehicles and parts. You can sign up to become a registered member to utilize manheim.com services right on the manheim.com website. On the manheim.com website you can search for specific vehicles or you can browse using one of the several product and inventory searching options. If you have not used Simulcast and are unfamiliar to how it operates you can also learn how to use it. Simulcast brings a life like element that helps connect users in a more personal way.
There are many other online auction centers and wholesale purveyors similar to Insurance Auto Auctions who are committed to safe transactions of auction goods. Start searching today to find out which online wholesale auctions can help you find that treasure.