The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which was created by President Nixon in 1970 to monitor pollution, has many enlisted many mandates since its inception to ensure that manufacturing, construction, and dredging projects adhere to all regulations and requirements. The department was conceived, in fact, in response to the tragedy at Love Canal. Love Canal, a suburb of Niagara Falls, NY, became the focus of national attention when it was revealed that tons of toxic waste was buried within its confines.
The result of the Love Canal incident has been linked to significant health problems of its inhabitants. As a result, when constructing near waterways, the use of a floating turbidity barrier, turbidity curtain, silt barrier, or silt curtain is essential so as not to allow erosion to run off and disturb or contaminate water.
When water is disrupted by manufacturing or construction, the operation creates turbidity, which is muddiness created by stirring up the ground and sediment. A floating turbidity barrier is so imperative, in fact, that failure to take precautions would also be a violation of the EPA Clean Water Act. If precautions are not taken with measures such as a floating turbidity barrier, serious and consequential water pollution can occur, which can harm human as well as organic life. In addition to protecting human life, a floating turbidity barrier also controls the release of organic material that can prove toxic for natural, marine life.
When employing a floating turbidity barrier, particularly in an area subject to changing tides and winds, it is important to anchor it as such so that is not subject to environmental fluctuations. In areas where a floating turbidity barrier is used within free flowing water, the floating turbidity barrier must be anchored so that it is parallel with the flowing water.
Further best practices for erosion and sedimentation control include sediment barriers such as a silt curtain, floating turbidity barrier, or sediment barriers. Technologies such as these must not be more than 36 inches as this could compromise the integrity of the structure. In the unfortunate event of a spill, however, items such as an oil containment boom or oil skimmer are required. These devices, as required by Government agencies, must be inspected on a regular basis.
Were these precautionary measures taken with the Exxon Valdez spill? Something tells me no.
Is there a difference between a floating turbidity barrier and a silt curtain?
Is there a difference between a floating turbidity barrier and a silt curtain?
Is there a difference between a floating turbidity barrier and a silt curtain?
Is there a difference between a floating turbidity barrier and a silt curtain?
Is there a difference between a floating turbidity barrier and a silt curtain?