Considering that many American homes do not have attached (or detached) garage buildings, many American vehicles fall prey to weather, destruction, and the elements. Unfortunately, some damage (such as damage wrought by hail) are not covered by insurance. As such, metal carports are a very popular and inexpensive trend for protecting your gear.
The popularity of metal garages or car ports is largely due to two factors: steel is by far superior to wood in strength and durability, and metal carports are nearly impervious to fire and termite damage, as well as earthquakes and other natural causes of destruction. In addition, steel is cheap; it is one of the most recycled materials in America (more than plastic, paper, aluminum, and glass combined)!
Contrary to its name, metal carports are not just for automobiles, either. In fact, metal carport kits can be constructed to house larger vehicles such as boats (Americans own about 18 million of these) and recreational vehicles (nearly seven percent of Americans own at least one).
Metal carports also can store other household yard necessities (such as a lawn mower, hose, etc.), bicycles, and any other items that are often relegated to a traditional garage. Due to its advantages over wooden structures, another growing trend in metal carports are those that are constructed to be utilized as barns and other agricultural structures, too.
In summation, car ports can be an economical (both in time and dollars) solution for you. If you choose to construct your own, when shopping for the best carports begin your search online or with any major brick and mortar home improvement retailer.
Have you bought or built your own metal carport? If so, share your experience below!
I was debating a wooden versus metal garage five years ago. I chose the latter, and I am so glad I did.