Approximately 300,000 people in Florida currently live at or below the poverty line. More than a million elderly Florida residents would fall into poverty without Social Security benefits. A big reason for that large number that could potentially fall into poverty is because one in three seniors living in Florida, of the age of 65 or older, have Social Security as their lone source of income. Those who do receive disability insurance benefits must be able to prove their inability to work because of some sort of medical condition that lasts at least one year. These kinds of numbers are quick to show that social security lawyers in Florida may have their work cut out for them. In the event your social security benefits or disability insurance is coming to be under question, it is best advised to contact a few social security attorneys to discuss your options and see what the road ahead might look like.
There are many qualified and experienced social security attorneys and social security lawyers that should be able to offer their professional insight and advice on how to proceed in the event Social Security benefits might be in jeopardy. There are quite a few veterans lawyers can also refer you to reputable social security attorneys in the Florida area who have experience with social security cases and claims as well. These social security attorneys are typically willing and able to offer their advice, based on years of handling various social security and disability claims. The first step would be to start researching a potential social security disability attorney if you have suffered an injury. If you have a tough time finding a quality social security disability lawyer, ask any of the social security attorneys you contact for a referral for your case or, maybe you can get some advice from friends, family, or colleagues who have experience with social security issues on which social security attorneys in the area who might be able to help out.