When choosing a private school for your kids you may find yourself thinking back to when you were in school and your biggest concern was who might or might not sit next to you in English class. Did the school make that much of a difference for your education? Was your experience good or bad because of the teachers, or was it because of the private school curriculum? Did the small class size help you to get more of the attention that you needed? I know that for me it did. What about when you were in preschool or day care? Was private child care some early key to who you would one day become?
If you’re at that stage where you find yourself stressed about choosing a daycare, or trying to compare private schools, then I am sorry to say that you have every right to be stressed and concerned. Picking a good private school or early child care will have long lasting effects on how your children grow and learn.
Day care as we know it first formally appeared as the Societe des Creches in France in 1840. What must have been very fancy day care was fully recognized in 1869 by the French government and since then day care has only become more important as a formal method of child care and schooling. To give you an idea of how important day care has become to us as a society try to imagine how approximately 400,000 preschool aged children during World War II received day care as sponsored by the Federal Government. Clearly early schooling was important even back then.
It is no surprise that the government eventually became involved in ensuring that young children received an early education. Many studies have been conducted to correlate the effect that early education has on children, and how those children eventually make out. For those children who attended preschool there was a 24 percent chance that they would be more likely to enjoy a four year college when the time came.
And if we are honest with ourselves the decision to get your child into some form of early education is about more than just the quality of the education. Two year old children are extremely active, curious, and able to soak up new experiences. Generally, children are never more active than they are at that age. Humans, especially when we are young, are built to learn.
So it would be prudent to take some wisdom from the studies which have been done to understand what affect choosing a private school has on our children and their growing brains. Participating in an educational program early in life will set the building blocks for your children to grow up healthier and more likely to succeed. Choosing a private school may be the smartest decision.
Reference links. References: columbiaacademy.com Continue your research here.
To be honest I do not think whether or not the school is private or not would have made a difference to how good the friends you made were. You can find good friends anywhere. A good teacher though! That is more important.
To be honest I do not think whether or not the school is private or not would have made a difference to how good the friends you made were. You can find good friends anywhere. A good teacher though! That is more important.
To be honest I do not think whether or not the school is private or not would have made a difference to how good the friends you made were. You can find good friends anywhere. A good teacher though! That is more important.
To be honest I do not think whether or not the school is private or not would have made a difference to how good the friends you made were. You can find good friends anywhere. A good teacher though! That is more important.
To be honest I do not think whether or not the school is private or not would have made a difference to how good the friends you made were. You can find good friends anywhere. A good teacher though! That is more important.
To be honest I do not think whether or not the school is private or not would have made a difference to how good the friends you made were. You can find good friends anywhere. A good teacher though! That is more important.