Using Cannabis Addiction Treatment Programs Successfully

In general, cannabis addiction is difficult for adults seeking treatment, usually because they have taken the drug each and every day for a minimum of 10 years and have attempted to quite at least six times. Cannabis addiction treatment is an uphill battle for many of these people, who have tried and failed multiple times […]

Use an Attorney When Filing Bankruptcy

Are you thinking about filing bankruptcy? This is not an uncommon situation. Many people are facing the same decisions as to filing bankruptcy. No matter your situation, you should consult a bankruptcy attorney Michigan. Filing bankruptcy is reaching high numbers. One reason may be that nearly half or about 43 percent of Americans spend more […]

Enjoy the Benefits of BYOD Without the Negatives

With the growth of the internet and mobile devices, businesses are finding themselves at a crossroads. Many employees would like to work from their own devices. It is convenient, and it allows employees to work on their own machines and, consequently, on their own time. However, employees using their own devices brings up a myriad […]