You may not realize that getting the classic, polished look of hardwood floors for your home does not mean you have to buy expensive woods like oak, or cherry. These woods are more popular, but can cost $3 to $5 per square foot. You can achieve a similar level of appeal with bamboo flooring, which will cost you at least a dollar less per square foot. If you are considering wood floors for an entire floor in your house, you will save money on installing bamboo floors without jeopardizing the aesthetic look you want.
But the cost of bamboo flooring is not its only benefit. Bamboo is one of the most renewable sources that the earth has to offer. Bamboo plants, which originate in China and other parts of Asia, are the fastest growing plants in the world. Because it is a grass, its rate of growth is greater than that of wood, like oak and cherry. Within about 3 to 5 years, a bamboo plant can reach maturity, and be harvested to produce wood flooring, whereas other woods can take at least 20 years to mature. The plant does not require any complicated irrigation system, and does not need many pesticides because it hardly attract any bugs. This makes for sustainable flooring that is both practical, and easy to produce.
Along with being eco-friendly, bamboo floors offer a high level of durability. Some of best bamboo floors have a 3000 to 5000 Janka hardness test rating, which equals and exceeds that of some cherry, white oak and red oak floors. These hardness test results are generated after testing sample pieces of wood for their resistance to wear and denting. With such a high rating, you do not have to worry about the lifespan of your bamboo floors; they will last you a long time with proper care.
You also have many options when picking your bamboo flooring, as there are several different grain orientations to choose from, as well as finishes. With the lower cost of bamboo flooring, and its versatility, you can get the classic look you want for a fraction of the price. Why spend extra money on oak or cherry wood, when your floors can look just as elegant with bamboo? Read more blogs like this: astoriafloors.com.au