If you are thinking you want to send business postcards, deltologists will appreciate custom works, which you can design with a direct mail postcard template in different software programs. You can also get custom postcard printing, which will make sure your direct mail postcards are professional and uniform.
And now, some interesting facts about postcards, mailings, and collections!
- Deltiology is one of the top three c0llecting hobbies in the world, and it is the collection of postcards.
- In 2010, private marketers spent $153.3 billion in non profit and commercial direct mailings, according to the Direct Marketing Association.
- A cost effective and attention getting strategy for marketing your business is direct mailings, especially because nationally mailing a postcard is cheaper than mailing an envelope, no matter the consequence.
- In the 60s and 70s postcard printing was actually used to announce the openings of public locations like freeways and industrial parks, rather than for bawdy jokes or holidays.
- There is roughly 30 times more response from people who receive a physical postcard in the mail rather than an email message.
Who heven collects postcards? Is it really that popular a hobby?
Well, just think about it, I mean it’s not like it’s something you shout from the rooftops and show everyone xD
Well, just think about it, I mean it’s not like it’s something you shout from the rooftops and show everyone xD
Well, just think about it, I mean it’s not like it’s something you shout from the rooftops and show everyone xD
Well, just think about it, I mean it’s not like it’s something you shout from the rooftops and show everyone xD
Well, just think about it, I mean it’s not like it’s something you shout from the rooftops and show everyone xD