A landmark research study was done several years back showing that after controlling for all other variables, children who went to preschool were far more likely to attend a four year college, and far less likely to be in trouble with the law. A good preschool program provides children with the bedrock social skills they will need to make it through the rest of their lives as responsible, well integrated citizens within their communities. However, many parents are stumped by how to find a good daycare center with an appropriate preschool curriculum.
Many studies have shown the importance of preschool for small children, but it can still be hard to figure out how to find a good daycare and what criteria to be on the look out for when choosing childcare for your son or daughter. For one thing, day care is not cheap, and 90 percent of all child care costs are paid for by parents in the United States. Moreover, the average cost of having two children in child care is higher than the median annual rent payments in every state in the union, as reported by Child Care Aware of America. These facts make it it even harder to figure out how to find a good daycare program.
Good preschool programs take place in a variety of environments such as private daycare centers, corporate daycare, employer provided child care, and home based child care. What matters most in terms of how to find a good daycare is that the teachers and caregivers are experienced, well trained, and love children. For children aged 3 and 4, play is the best way to encourage learning. Young children are natural learners because they are highly curious and love to explore their environment. Seeking out a program that engages curious young children is an excellent way of learning how to find a good daycare.
Unfortunately, preschool is often an expensive proposition, especially for families where there is more than one child of preschool age at a time, and in families with only one working parent. There is not a whole lot of financial aid available to help parents defray the costs of preschool, which is why childcare in the workplace has been so embraced by families that are perplexed by how to find a good daycare that they can actually afford. Learn more at this link: hildebrandtlearningcenters.com